Here are a few events happening in the next few weeks and throughout the rest of the summer. Check them out if you can! I'll be updating this exact post with new events as the summer rolls along. Anyone who attends these events should come back to this blog and post a review or your thoughts on the event. Elevate Magazine will be there covering the events, so look for us. We'll be in non-descript clothing (probably boardshorts, t's, and sandals), just to make it easy for everyone to find us!
NorthWest Wakeboard InvitationalLake Washington; Gene Coulon Park; Renton, WA
11 am to 5 pm
::Double Up Tournament, pro riders JD Webb, Nick Jones, and many more northwest favorites, $1,080 prize money, part of the Renton River Days; check for more info at
Pro Wakeboard TourBlue Lake Park; Portland, OR
:: pro wakeboarders, wakeskaters, etc from across the country; visit for more info
NW Sessions
Gig Harbor, WA
::check out for more info
INT Amateur Tour(International)
Winlock Waters Complex; Winlock, WA
::Comp begins at 8am; visit for more info
NW Sessions
Idylwood Park; Lake Sammamish, WA
::check out for more info